In 1947, the long-retired Sherlock Holmes, aged 93, lives in a rural Sussex farmhouse with his widowed housekeeper Mrs Munro and her young son Roger. Having just returned from a trip to Hiroshima, Holmes starts to use a prickly ash plant he acquired there to try to improve his failing memory.
Unhappy about Watson's fictionalisation of his last case, The Adventure of the Dove Grey Glove, he hopes to write his own account, but has trouble recalling the events. As Holmes spends time with Roger, showing him how to take care of the bees in the farmhouse's apiary, he comes to appreciate Roger's curiosity and intelligence and develops a paternal liking for him.
Ian McKellen
Milo Parker
Laura Linney
Roger Allam
Hiroyuki Sanada
Nicholas Rowe
Hattie Morahan
Patrick Kennedy
Colin Starkey
Phil Davis
Frances de la Tour
Takako Akashi
Mitch Cullin
Jeffrey Hatcher
Arthur Conan Doyle
Directed by
Bill Condon
Production Year
Ian McKellen
Milo Parker
Laura Linney
Roger Allam
Hiroyuki Sanada
Nicholas Rowe
Hattie Morahan
Patrick Kennedy
Colin Starkey
Phil Davis
Frances de la Tour
Takako Akashi
Mitch Cullin
Jeffrey Hatcher
Arthur Conan Doyle
Bill Condon
In 1947, the long-retired Sherlock Holmes, aged 93, lives in a rural Sussex farmhouse with his widowed housekeeper Mrs Munro and her young son Roger. Having just returned from a trip to Hiroshima, Holmes starts to use a prickly ash plant he acquired there to try to improve his failing memory.
Unhappy about Watson's fictionalisation of his last case, The Adventure of the Dove Grey Glove, he hopes to write his own account, but has trouble recalling the events. As Holmes spends time with Roger, showing him how to take care of the bees in the farmhouse's apiary, he comes to appreciate Roger's curiosity and intelligence and develops a paternal liking for him.
Ian McKellen
Milo Parker
Laura Linney
Roger Allam
Hiroyuki Sanada
Nicholas Rowe
Hattie Morahan
Patrick Kennedy
Colin Starkey
Phil Davis
Frances de la Tour
Takako Akashi
Mitch Cullin
Jeffrey Hatcher
Arthur Conan Doyle
Bill Condon