Spark (known as Spark: A Space Tail in the United States) is a 2016 computer-animated science fiction adventure comedy film written and directed by Aaron Woodley, and featuring the voices of Jessica Biel, Hilary Swank, Susan Sarandon, Patrick Stewart, Jace Norman and Alan C. Peterson.
The film premiered on April 22, 2016, at the Toronto Animation Arts Festival International. It was released on April 14, 2017 in the United States by Open Road Films with distribution sold by Double Dutch International in all international markets except China and South Korea.
Jessica Biel
Hilary Swank
Susan Sarandon
Jace Norman
Patrick Stewart
Athena Karkanis
Alan C. Peterson
Aaron Woodley
Aaron Woodley
Daniel Woo
Goran Delic
Directed by
Aaron Woodley
Production Year
Jessica Biel
Hilary Swank
Susan Sarandon
Jace Norman
Patrick Stewart
Athena Karkanis
Alan C. Peterson
Aaron Woodley
Aaron Woodley
Daniel Woo
Goran Delic
Aaron Woodley
Spark (known as Spark: A Space Tail in the United States) is a 2016 computer-animated science fiction adventure comedy film written and directed by Aaron Woodley, and featuring the voices of Jessica Biel, Hilary Swank, Susan Sarandon, Patrick Stewart, Jace Norman and Alan C. Peterson.
The film premiered on April 22, 2016, at the Toronto Animation Arts Festival International. It was released on April 14, 2017 in the United States by Open Road Films with distribution sold by Double Dutch International in all international markets except China and South Korea.
Jessica Biel
Hilary Swank
Susan Sarandon
Jace Norman
Patrick Stewart
Athena Karkanis
Alan C. Peterson
Aaron Woodley
Aaron Woodley
Daniel Woo
Goran Delic
Aaron Woodley