The Gentlemen is a 2019 action comedy film written, directed and produced by Guy Ritchie, who developed the story along with Ivan Atkinson and Marn Davies. The film stars Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell, and Hugh Grant. It follows an American cannabis wholesaler in England who is looking to sell his business, setting off a chain of blackmail and schemes to undermine him.
The Gentlemen premiered at the Curzon Mayfair Cinema on December 3, 2019, and was released theatrically in the United Kingdom on January 1, 2020, by Entertainment Film Distributors, and in the United States on January 24, 2020, by STXfilms.
Matthew McConaughey
Charlie Hunnam
Henry Golding
Michelle Dockery
Jeremy Strong
Colin Farrell
Hugh Grant
Eddie Marsan
Tom Wu
Bugzy Malone
Chidi Ajufo
Jason Wong
Brittany Ashworth
Samuel West
Eliot Sumner
Guy Ritchie
Ivan Atkinson
Marn Davies
Directed by
Guy Ritchie
Production Year
Matthew McConaughey
Charlie Hunnam
Henry Golding
Michelle Dockery
Jeremy Strong
Colin Farrell
Hugh Grant
Eddie Marsan
Tom Wu
Bugzy Malone
Chidi Ajufo
Jason Wong
Brittany Ashworth
Samuel West
Eliot Sumner
Guy Ritchie
Ivan Atkinson
Marn Davies
Guy Ritchie
The Gentlemen is a 2019 action comedy film written, directed and produced by Guy Ritchie, who developed the story along with Ivan Atkinson and Marn Davies. The film stars Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell, and Hugh Grant. It follows an American cannabis wholesaler in England who is looking to sell his business, setting off a chain of blackmail and schemes to undermine him.
The Gentlemen premiered at the Curzon Mayfair Cinema on December 3, 2019, and was released theatrically in the United Kingdom on January 1, 2020, by Entertainment Film Distributors, and in the United States on January 24, 2020, by STXfilms.
Ethan Hawke
Qing Xu
Paul Anderson
Tyrone Keogh
Liam Cunningham
Susan Ling Young
Claire Berlein
Tanya van Graan
Brendan Sean Murray
Marty Kintu
Rutger Hauer
Nathalie Boltt
Jeremy Yong
Hakeem Kae-Kazim
Richard Lothian
Alex Anlos
Ron Mita
Jim McClain
Zach Dean
Brian Smrz